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The issue is on the following line from your original code:

self.robotMarker.lifetime = 0

If you look at the definition of a visualization_msgs/Marker message, you'll see that the lifetime field is of type "duration" which is a built-in type that needs to be a rospy.Duration instance in Python (see here). In the line of code above, you are setting the value to an integer which is incorrect. That is what causes the

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'secs'

line in your output log.

The issue is on the following line from your original code:

self.robotMarker.lifetime = 0

If you look at the definition of a visualization_msgs/Marker message, you'll see that the lifetime field is of type "duration" which is a built-in type that needs to be a rospy.Duration instance in Python (see here). In the line of code above, you are setting the value to an integer which is incorrect. That is what causes the

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'secs'

line in your output log.


You could change the line to something like

self.robotMarker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0)