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Give this DWA configuration a try (changing the numbers to fit your robot). It results in lateral motion (when the corresponding trajectories end up having lower cost of course). Many of the parameters below won't affect your issue, but I've copy-pasted my exact config just in case.

base_local_planner: "dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS"

controller_frequency: 10.0      # 20.0
controller_patience:  15.0      # 15.0


  holonomic_robot: true

  # Tolerances                  Defaults
  yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.05      # 0.05
  xy_goal_tolerance:  0.05      # 0.10
  latch_xy_goal_tolerance: true # false

  # Forward simulation          Defaults
  use_dwa: true                 # true
  sim_time: 1.0                 # 1.7
  sim_granularity: 0.025        # 0.025
  angular_sim_granularity: 0.017 # 0.10 (1 degree = 0.017 rad)
  vx_samples: 3                 # 3
  vy_samples: 10                # 10
  vth_samples: 20               # 20

  # Scoring                     Defaults
  meter_scoring: false          # Is this even taken into account?
  path_distance_bias: 1.00      # 32.0
  goal_distance_bias: 0.10      # 24.0
  occdist_scale: 0.01           # 0.01
  forward_point_distance: 0.325 # 0.325
  stop_time_buffer: 0.20        # 0.20
  scaling_speed: 0.25           # 0.25
  max_scaling_factor: 0.20      # 0.20
  heading_lookahead: 0.325
  heading_scoring_timestep: 0.8
  heading_scoring: true         # Is this even taken into account?
  penalize_negative_x: false    # Is this even taken into account?

  # Acceleration and velocity limits

  # acc_limit_trans: 1.0
  acc_lim_x: 1.0                # 2.5
  acc_lim_y: 1.0                # 2.5
  acc_lim_theta: 1.0            # 3.2

  # max_trans_vel: 0.5
  # min_trans_vel: 0.1
  max_vel_x: +0.3
  min_vel_x: -0.3
  max_vel_y: +0.3
  min_vel_y: -0.3

  max_rot_vel: 1.0
  min_rot_vel: 0.4

  # Other                       Defaults
  oscillation_reset_dist: 0.05  # 0.05
  oscillation_reset_angle: 0.20 # 0.20
  prune_plan: false             # true
  trans_stopped_vel: 0.1        # 0.1
  rot_stopped_vel: 0.1          # 0.1
  publish_cost_grid_pc: true    # false