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1 | initial version |
First, I'd advise against saving the map as .jpg as that introduces compression artifacts that look bad and can mess with further processing (or the eye of the beholder ;) ).
If you absolutely want to directly save the map as jpg, the easiest way is probably to copy/modify the map_saver, add a dependency on opencv, convert the map to a cv::Mat in the map callback and then write it out as jpg. Here is code for converting a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid to cv::Mat and here is an example of saving a cv::Mat to jpg.
A easier option is of course to use a command-line tool such as convert. It should do the conversion from command line or inside a script by simple calling
convert map.pgm map.jpg
2 | No.2 Revision |
First, I'd advise against saving the map as .jpg as that introduces compression artifacts that look bad and can mess with further processing (or the eye of the beholder ;) ).
If you absolutely want to directly save the map as jpg, the easiest way is probably to copy/modify the map_saver, add a dependency on opencv, convert the map to a cv::Mat in the map callback and then write it out as jpg. Here is code for converting a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid to cv::Mat and here is an example of saving a cv::Mat to jpg.
A easier option is of course to use a command-line tool such as convert. It should do allow to perform the conversion from command line or inside a script by simple simply calling
convert map.pgm map.jpg