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MAKE SURE something else is generating the odom->base_link transform. Note that this can even be another instance of robot_localization! However, that instance should not fuse the global data.

But how is possible that base_link has two parents?

It doesn't have two parents in the tf tree. Read this and this (read the section called "Frame Authorities"). Here's how it works:

  • Node 1 (can be ekf_localization_node or something else, e.g. your robot's controller): produces odom->base_link transform, and publishes it to tf.
  • Node 2 (can be ekf_localization_node or something else, e.g., amcl): produces map->base_link transform, but does not publish it. Instead, it uses the inverse of the odom->base_link transform, along with its own map->base_link transform, to compute the map->odom transform, and then it publishes that.

In this way, you get map->odom->base_link.

Note, however, that you (a) don't have to use these frame_ids, and (b) you can define and publish all sorts of transforms from any of these, so long as you avoid re-parenting. For your IMU, you want to use static_transform_publisher (I'd use the tf2_ros version) and publish a transform from base_link->IMU. That transform should define how your IMU is mounted on your robot.

For ar_sys, it really depends on the coordinate frame in which the pose data is reported. As long as it adheres to ROS standards and is reported in a world-fixed frame (not attached to the robot), you can either (a) make the your world_frame in ekf_localization_node the same as the frame_id in the ar_sys pose message, or (b) create a static transform from the world_frame in your ekf_localization_node config to the frame_id in your ar_sys message.