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The solution that worked for me was:

  1. Find out, where your Syntax Highlight Definition Files are located by navigating to: Tools->Options->Text Editor->Generic Highlighter and note the given paths.
  2. Find the syntax file for xml: xml.xml in one of the paths noted above.
  3. You can either edit this file directly or make a copy and name it launch.xml (You might need sudo to do this). Then edit the line that starts with <language name="XML" by adding *.launch to the extensions="... argument. Mine looks like this now:

<language name="XML" version="2.03" kateversion="2.4" section="Markup" extensions="*.launch;*.docbook;*.xml;*.rc;*.daml;*.rdf;*.rss;*.xspf;*.xsd;*.svg;*.ui;*.kcfg;*.qrc;*.wsdl" mimetype="text/xml;text/book;text/daml;text/rdf;application/rss+xml;application/xspf+xml;image/svg+xml;application/x-designer;application/xml" casesensitive="1" author="Wilbert Berendsen (" license="LGPL">