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I think the reason why it flickers is that at the time the IMU message arrives, the TF that you're missing is not there yet most of the time. There's a race condition: when the TF with time stamp "t1" arrives before the IMU message with time stamp "t2", where t1 >= t2, it flickers to black, and otherwise to red.

The solution would be to fix the IMU RViz plugin: there should be a tf::waitForTransform() in there. But the problem is purely cosmetic; everything else should be working, right?

I think the reason why it flickers is that at the time the IMU message arrives, the TF that you're missing is not there yet most of the time. There's a race condition: when the TF with time stamp "t1" arrives before the IMU message with time stamp "t2", where t1 >= t2, it flickers to black, and otherwise to red.

The solution would be to fix the IMU RViz plugin: there should probably be a tf::waitForTransform() in there. But the problem is purely cosmetic; everything else should be working, right?