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(This is a comment but due to an issue I'm having on, I post this as an answer. Once it's resolved I'll or someone remove this please.)

Providing an error always helps. This time, however, you might want to also give more lines before and after the line you gave (they provide no info other than some processes crashed).

Meanwhile make sure the necessary environment variables are loaded. You can check by something like the following command that should show multiple lines of env variables that start from TURTLEBOT:

$ env | grep TURTLEBOT

If not source the ROS setup script. Make susre you ran

(This is a comment but due to an issue I'm having on, I post this as an answer. Once it's resolved I'll or someone remove this please.)

Providing an error always helps. This time, however, you might want to also give more lines before and after the line you gave (they provide no info other than some processes crashed).

Meanwhile make Make sure the necessary environment variables are loaded. You can check by something like the following command that should show multiple lines of env variables that start from TURTLEBOT:

$ env | grep TURTLEBOT

If not source the ROS setup script. Make susre you ran