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If you run tutorial1, you should already be able to control your robot via joystick. You can always have autonomous navigation and joystick control running in parallel. Just make sure you stop any navigation action (MoveTo, Explore), before you try to send commands with the joystick. If you don't, the autonomous commands and joystick commands will interfere with each other.
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If you run tutorial1, you should already be able to control your robot via joystick. You can always have autonomous navigation and joystick control running in parallel. Just make sure you stop any navigation action (MoveTo, Explore), before you try to send commands with the joystick. If you don't, the autonomous commands and joystick commands will interfere with each other.
If you want to build a map, you have to add a mapper to your setup. You can then load the map with the map_server module and use amcl for localization.