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Did you compile this from source or use the package manager? When Groovy was EOL'd, I stopped updating its source and releases. Having said that, if you pull down the Hydro or Indigo versions, it ought to work.

Did you compile this from source or use the package manager? When Groovy was EOL'd, I stopped updating its source and releases. Having said that, if you pull down the Hydro or Indigo versions, it ought to Also, if you got this from source, when did you get it?

Did you compile this from source or use the package manager? When Groovy was EOL'd, I stopped updating its source and releases. Having said that, if you pull down the Hydro or Indigo versions, it ought to work. Also, if you got this from source, when did you get it?

By the way, regardless of whether or not you're currently using a release or the source, you'll want to grab the source for now. There was a bug in version x.1.5 wherein the map->odom transform was inverted. It's been fixed and will roll out the next time the deb packages are updated, but until then, you can just grab the source.