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The P3DX appears to be a differential drive robot, but you have configured base_local_planner for a holonomic robot (holonomic_robot: true). Set that to false, and see if that changes anything.

If you still have issues, can you try reproducing the problem using Stage or posting a bag file with the /cmd_vel output from move_base as well as your /odom output from the P3DX while the problem is occurring.

The P3DX appears to be a differential drive robot, but you have configured base_local_planner for a holonomic robot (holonomic_robot: true). Set that to false, and see if that changes anything.

If you still have issues, can you try reproducing the problem using Stage or posting a bag file with the /cmd_vel output from move_base as well as your /odom output from the P3DX while the problem is occurring.

UPDATE: I took a look at the bagfile posted. After playing it back and plotting different things, you can definitely see the oscillation (try rxplot /odom/twist/twist/angular/z /cmd_vel/angular/z while playing the bag back and watch the /cmd_vel/angular/z output). For some reason, move_base is banging between an angular command of 0.4 and 0 rads/sec. Looking at your base_local_planner config again, I would bet that the culprit is misconfigured max and min rotational velocities. You have the max_rotational_vel set to 0.4, but you have the min_in_place_rotational_vel set to 0.6. That doesn't really make sense (max < min), so I suggest you change those such that min < max, and see how that affects this behavior.