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My guess is that (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the term suite may be used in rostest not as its specific usage in software testing context (as in testsuite) but as something more general, like composite or group of testcases, and unittest.TestSuite() isn't handled yet.

Thus it's worth opening an enhancement request on its issue tracker.

(As a workaround I usually put TestCase classes in separate .py files, which isn't that cumbersome if I have only several TestCases.)

My guess is that (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the term suite may be used in rostest not as its specific usage in software testing context (as in testsuite) but as something more general, like composite or group of testcasesTestCases, and . And unittest.TestSuite()unittest.TestSuite isn't handled yet.yet in rostest.

Thus it's worth opening an enhancement request on its issue tracker.

(As a workaround I usually put TestCase TestCase classes in separate .py files, which isn't that cumbersome if I have only several TestCases.)