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The easiest way to run a RosMain instance in a thread is to use the NodeRunner class.

NodeConfiguration nodeConfiguration =
FooNodeMain foo = new FooNodeMain();
DefaultNodeRunner.newDefault().run(foo, nodeConfiguration);

In the above example, the class FooNodeMain needs to implement org.ros.node.NodeMain. NodeRunner's run method is non-blocking and just runs your node in a new thread.

The easiest way to run a RosMain instance in a thread is to use the NodeRunner class.

NodeConfiguration nodeConfiguration =
FooNodeMain foo = new FooNodeMain();
DefaultNodeRunner.newDefault().run(foo, nodeConfiguration);

In the above example, the class FooNodeMain needs to implement org.ros.node.NodeMain. NodeRunner's run method is non-blocking and just runs your node in a new thread.thread and you can call it multiple times to spawn different nodes.