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I've had this problem on a different laptop and the issue is that the Kinect does not work on any of the machine's USB3.0 ports, and only on the (single) USB 2.0 Port. If your machine has USB 3.0 ports try to see if it has a USB 2.0 port that you can use.

I've had this problem on a different laptop and the issue is that the Kinect does not work on any of the machine's USB3.0 ports, and only on the (single) USB 2.0 Port. If your machine has USB 3.0 ports try to see if it has a USB 2.0 port that you can use.

The kinect (on my system at least) does show up under the USB3.0 ports, but no data will stream. When using the USB2.0 ports, however, the kinect will show up and successfully stream data.