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Did you happen to see this:

This tutorial seems to be an exact match to your question. Another one, that I found helpful (with LOTS of comments in the code) is

It's written for diamondback but works just as well in electric.

If you'd rather write nodes in python: this is a nice little Head-tracking tutorial (using openCV). You can skip the part related to the actual robot. They're all at quite modest levels of difficulty and show some slightly different ways of achieving the same thing. You can also manipulate the image from the ros message directly if you're just doing something simple (like inverting the colors) that doesn't really require openCV.

Did you happen to see this:

This tutorial seems to be an exact match to your question. Another one, that I found helpful (with LOTS of comments in the code) is

It's written for diamondback but works just as well in electric.

If you'd rather write nodes in python: this is a nice little Head-tracking tutorial (using openCV). You can skip the part related to the actual robot.

They're all at quite modest levels of difficulty and show some slightly different ways of achieving the same thing. doing things in ROS. You can also manipulate the image from the ros message directly if you're just doing something simple (like inverting the colors) that doesn't really require openCV.