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You've probably run make using sudo before (you shouldn't do that), so you'll have to check the permissions on those folders. The easiest way to fix it would be to remove the build folder (using sudo) and try again.

You've probably run make using sudo before (you shouldn't do that), so you'll have to check the permissions on those folders. The easiest way to fix it would be to remove the build folder (using sudo) and try again.

Edit: Can you paste the output of the following commands?

roscd sick_tim3xx
ls -lah cfg

You've probably run make using sudo before (you shouldn't do that), so you'll have to check the permissions on those folders. The easiest way to fix it would be to remove the build buildcfg folder (using sudo) and try again.

Edit: Can you paste the output of the following commands?

roscd sick_tim3xx
ls -lah cfg
git status

You've probably run make using sudo before (you shouldn't do that), so you'll have to check the permissions on those folders. The easiest way to fix it would be to remove the build cfg build folder (using sudo) and try again.

Edit: Can you edit your question and paste the output of the following commands?commands there?

roscd sick_tim3xx
ls -lah cfg
git status

You've probably run make using sudo before (you shouldn't do that), so you'll have to check the permissions on those folders. The easiest way to fix it would be to remove the build folder (using sudo) and try again.

Edit:Edit 1: Can you edit your question and paste the output of the following commands there?

roscd sick_tim3xx
ls -lah cfg
git status

Edit 2: Thanks for adding that info. Something weird is going on: you seem to have deleted the sick_tim3xx/.git directory, for example. Please delete the whole sick_tim3xx directory and run:

git clone -b groovy

Then start over.