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Does the tf exists between the /base_link frame and /narrow_stereo_optical_frame?

You can verify this by adding "tf" in the rviz display, and checking the tf tree.

If it does exists try adding playing the rosbag with the clock command:

rosbag play -l refined_point_clouds.bag --clock

Does the tf exists between the /base_link frame and /narrow_stereo_optical_frame?

You can verify this by adding "tf" in the rviz display, and checking the tf tree.

/base_link /narrow_stereo_optical_frame

If it does exists try adding playing the rosbag with the clock command:

rosbag play -l refined_point_clouds.bag --clock

Does the tf exists between the /base_link frame and /narrow_stereo_optical_frame?

You can verify this by adding "tf" in the rviz display, and checking the tf tree.

/base_link /base_link


If it does exists try adding playing the rosbag with the clock command:

rosbag play -l refined_point_clouds.bag --clock

Does the tf exists between the /base_link frame and /narrow_stereo_optical_frame?

You can verify this by adding "tf" in the rviz display, and checking the tf tree.

/base_linkThey should appear cascaded /base_link (parent)

/narrow_stereo_optical_frame/narrow_stereo_optical_frame (child)

If it does exists try adding playing the rosbag with the clock command:

rosbag play -l refined_point_clouds.bag --clock

Does the tf exists between the /base_link frame and /narrow_stereo_optical_frame?

You can verify this by adding "tf" in the rviz display, and checking the tf tree.

They should appear cascaded cascaded

/base_link (parent)

/narrow_stereo_optical_frame (child)

If it does exists try adding playing the rosbag with the clock command:

rosbag play -l refined_point_clouds.bag --clock

Does the tf exists between the /base_link frame and /narrow_stereo_optical_frame?

You can verify this by adding "tf" in the rviz display, and checking the tf tree.

They should appear cascaded

/base_link (parent)

/narrow_stereo_optical_frame (child)

If it does exists try adding playing the rosbag with the clock command:

rosbag play -l refined_point_clouds.bag --clock

If that doesn't work, you might need to look at the actual setup from which the data was recorded.