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Thanks for the answers guys. Let's see, I already knew about rosbag but I only use it from the command line; are you suggesting me to call to rosbag / rostopic from within my logger node?

What I need is a node that receives all topics and is able to log them at runtime in a matlab-friendly format. What I do now to achieve that (offline) is:

first of all, record a bag file:

rosbag record -a

Once this is done, I can play this rosbag at any time and log the topics I need:

rosbag play 2011-06-19-17-19-56.bag
rostopic echo -p /any_topic/bleh > log.txt

This is exactly what I need for the logging part. Is this possible to achieve from within a node subscribed to all the topics? If so, do I really need to subscribe manually to all the topics or there's a way to subscribe to all of them?

Also, it would be nice for me to be able to convert any ROS message to an xml-like notation (something like <name="age" type="integer" value"30"=""/> if the message contains an uint32 age = 30 ).

Thanks for your patience!