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initial version

This is a rosbuild/rosmake package, so don't try to build it with catkin. The code hasn't been touched for the last two years it seems, so not sure if you can make it work easily.

Please make sure the stack is contained in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.

What does env | grep -i ROS output?

This is a rosbuild/rosmake package, so don't try to build it with catkin. The code hasn't been touched for the last two years it seems, so not sure if you can make it work easily.

Please make sure the stack is contained in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.

What does env | grep -i ROS output?


To add your folder to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, you need to exectue export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/path/to/your/folder/containing/face/recognition:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH after the source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash command. You can either do this directly in the terminal, or add it to your .bashrc file.