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initial version

The rosbag play application itself is implemented in C++:

The code relevant to publishing messages can be found in the method Player::publish(). The C++ file also contains code for pausing and resuming playback, console output etc., but maybe you can use this code to get a rough idea:

I'm not sure how Python compares to C++ performance-wise if you are playing large bagfiles (e.g. containing camera images).

The rosbag play application itself is implemented in C++:

The code relevant to publishing messages can be found in the method Player::publish(). The C++ file also contains code for pausing and resuming playback, console output etc., but maybe you can use this code to get a rough idea:

I'm not sure how Python compares to C++ performance-wise if you are playing large bagfiles (e.g. containing camera images).

Edit, to answer your question: I believe there is no other way than either

  • using the C++ API (should provide best performance)
  • using the Python API
  • invoking "rosbag play" using a system() command.

The rosbag play application itself is implemented in C++:

The code relevant to publishing messages can be found in the method Player::publish(). The C++ file also contains code for pausing and resuming playback, console output etc., but maybe you can use this code to get a rough idea:

I'm not sure how Python compares to C++ performance-wise if you are playing large bagfiles (e.g. containing camera images).

Edit, to answer your question: I believe there is no other way than either

  • using the C++ API (should provide best performance)
  • using the Python API
  • invoking "rosbag play" using a system() command.

The rosbag play application itself is implemented in C++: play.cpp

The code relevant to publishing messages can be found in the method Player::publish(). The C++ file also contains code for pausing and resuming playback, console output etc., but maybe you can use this code to get a rough idea: player.cpp

I'm not sure how I'd expect Python compares to give slightly worse performance compared to C++ performance-wise if you are playing plan to play large bagfiles (e.g. containing camera images).

Edit, to answer your question: I believe there is no other way than either

  • using the C++ API (should provide best performance)
  • using the Python API
  • invoking "rosbag play" using a system() command.