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answered 2011-03-21 03:48:49 -0600

joq gravatar image

The roscreate-pkg script will generate the CMakeLists.txt and Makefile that rosmake requires.

See: roscreate.

The roscreate-pkg script will generate the CMakeLists.txt and Makefile that rosmake requires.

See: roscreate.

Since your package already exists, the simplest approach may be to create a new package, then copy those two files to it. They are small and simple. You'll need to edit CMakeLists.txt, but the Makefile should work unmodified.

The roscreate-pkg script will generate the CMakeLists.txt and Makefile that rosmake requires.

See: roscreate.

Since your package already exists, the simplest approach may be to create a new dummy package, then copy those two files to it. yours. They are small and simple. You'll need to edit CMakeLists.txt, but the Makefile should work unmodified.