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1 | initial version |
all the tfs were published through static_transform_publisher.
Do you literally mean all the tf's? If so, this is what the problem is. map->odom will be published by gmapping itself, and odom->base_footprint needs to be published by a source of odometry, so it can't really be static. The only static transforms are base_footprint->base_link and base_link->base_laser.
2 | No.2 Revision |
all the tfs were published through static_transform_publisher.
Do you literally mean all the tf's? If so, this is what the problem is. map->odom will be published by gmapping itself, and odom->base_footprint needs to be published by a source of odometry, so it can't really be static. The only static transforms are base_footprint->base_link and base_link->base_laser.
Let's say you have a bag file which publishes a odom->base_link tf. You need to run gmapping with the "~base_frame" parameter set to base_link.
3 | No.3 Revision |
all the tfs were published through static_transform_publisher.
Do you literally mean all the tf's? If so, this is what the problem is. map->odom will be published by gmapping itself, and odom->base_footprint needs to be published by a source of odometry, so it can't really be static. The only static transforms are base_footprint->base_link and base_link->base_laser.
Let's say you have a bag file which publishes a odom->base_link tf. You need to run gmapping with the "~base_frame" parameter set to base_link.base_link. When you were running with the bag file, it probably had the "~base_frame" set to base_footprint.