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So the first thing you should do when you see these errors is to load up rxconsole and look at the debugs/warnings/errors being produced by this node. Be sure to specifically change the logger level for gmapping to DEBUG, as your error message says.

It looks like you're actually missing the transform with the target frame of /odom and NOT the /odom message topic. If you look at the gmapping package, you'll see it subscribes to /tf and /scan, not an odom topic.

To figure out what transforms are missing, you should use tf's view_frames function by commanding rosrun tf view_frames This will allow you to see your current transform tree and to make sure that you aren't missing any necessary links. At mininum, you will need /odom to /base_link and /base_link to /[whatever_you_called_your_laser_frame]. If these three are connected to each other in the right way, everything should run fine.

What's the output of rxconsole and tf view_frames? That will let everyone know what the problem actually is so that we can respond more specifically.

So the first thing you should do when you see these errors is to load up rxconsole and look at the debugs/warnings/errors being produced by this node. Be sure to specifically change the logger level for gmapping to DEBUG, as your error message says.

It looks like you're actually missing the transform with the target frame of /odom and NOT the /odom message topic. If you look at the gmapping package, you'll see it subscribes to /tf and /scan, not an odom topic.

To figure out what transforms are missing, you should use tf's view_frames function by commanding rosrun tf view_frames This will allow you to see your current transform tree and to make sure that you aren't missing any necessary links. At mininum, you will need /odom to /base_link and /base_link to /[whatever_you_called_your_laser_frame]. /laser. If these three are connected to each other in the right way, everything should run fine.

What's the output of rxconsole and tf view_frames? That will let everyone know what the problem actually is so that we can respond more specifically.