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2019-03-12 02:16:27 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-09-24 01:45:01 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-06-24 08:41:25 -0500 commented question How to stream video to multiple computers?

so rn i'm waiting for my second webcam to arrive and i'm planning to do the regular pub sub...

2018-06-22 21:40:53 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-06-21 05:28:32 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-06-21 01:58:08 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-06-20 22:22:47 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-06-20 21:59:35 -0500 asked a question How to stream video to multiple computers?

How to stream video to multiple computers? I'm working to create a package that allows multiple computers to stream thei

2018-06-20 14:40:00 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2018-06-20 14:39:57 -0500 marked best answer [SOLVED] Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv?

Hi, so I'm making a video publisher that stores frame from webcam as OpenCV image to be HSV-filtered, eroded, and dilated then convert it to a ROS image to be published to a subscriber. The code is the following (Ignore comment in Indonesian):

#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videoio.hpp"
#include "cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h"
#include "image_transport/image_transport.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

// Global Variables

Mat frame, erosion_window, dilation_window, element_erosion, element_dilation, hsv_edit, temp, final;
sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg;
int erosion_value = 1, dilation_value = 1, erosion_type = 1, dilation_type = 1;
int hue_val_min = 1, saturation_val_min = 1, value_val_min = 1;
int hue_val_max = 179, saturation_val_max = 255, value_val_max = 255;
const int maximum_value = 10;
const int maximum_element = 3;

void erosion(int, void *);
void dilation(int, void *);
Mat mask;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    ros::init(argc, argv, "publisher");

    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
    image_transport::Publisher pub = it.advertise("video", 1);

    // Local Variables
    VideoCapture cap(0);

    // Standard failsafe for the webcam
        cout << "cam error" << endl;
        return -1;

    cv::namedWindow("filters", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    // Trackbars
    // Trackbar to change HSV values
    createTrackbar("hue min ", "filters", &hue_val_min, 179);
    createTrackbar("hue max ", "filters", &hue_val_max, 179);
    createTrackbar("sat min", "filters", &saturation_val_min, 255);
    createTrackbar("sat max", "filters", &saturation_val_max, 255);
    createTrackbar("val min", "filters", &value_val_min, 255);
    createTrackbar("val max", "filters", &value_val_max, 255);
    // Trackbar to change erosion element value
    createTrackbar("erosion element: \n 1. rectangle \n 2. cross \n 3. ellipse", "filters",
                   &erosion_type, maximum_element, erosion);
    // Trackbar to change erosion value
    createTrackbar("erosion ", "filters", &erosion_value, maximum_value, erosion);
    // Trackbar to change dilation element value
    createTrackbar("dilation element: \n 1. rectangle \n 2. cross \n 3. ellipse", "filters",
                   &dilation_type, maximum_element, dilation);
    // Trackbar to change dilation value
    createTrackbar("dilation ", "filters", &dilation_value, maximum_value, dilation);

    // This loops captures frame from cam and turn it into Mat data type (OpenCV image)
    // Then converts it into ROS image and publish it to a subscriber

        if (temp.empty())
            ROS_INFO("Cannot read from webcam \n");
        cvtColor(temp, frame, CV_RGB2HSV);

                Scalar(hue_val_min, saturation_val_min, value_val_min),
                Scalar(hue_val_max, saturation_val_max, value_val_max),
        bitwise_and(frame, frame, temp, mask = mask);

        erode(temp, erosion_window, element_erosion);
        dilate(erosion_window, dilation_window, element_dilation);

        cvtColor(erosion_window, final, CV_HSV2RGB);

        msg = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header (), "bgr8", final).toImageMsg();


    return 0;

// This function processes the variable from the erosion trackbar
void erosion(int, void*)
    int type;
        case 1: type = MORPH_RECT;
        case 2: type = MORPH_CROSS;
        case 3: type = MORPH_ELLIPSE;
    element_erosion = getStructuringElement(type,
                                        Size(2 * erosion_value + 1, 2 * erosion_value + 1),
                                        Point (erosion_value, erosion_value));

// This function processes the variable from the dilation trackbar
void dilation(int, void*)
    int type;
        case 1: type = MORPH_RECT;
        case 2: type = MORPH_CROSS;
        case 3: type = MORPH_ELLIPSE;
    element_dilation = getStructuringElement(type,
                                        Size(2 * dilation_value + 1, 2 * dilation_value + 1),
                                        Point(dilation_value, dilation_value));
2018-06-20 14:39:57 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-06-20 14:23:06 -0500 edited question [SOLVED] Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv?

Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv? Hi, so I'm making a video publisher that stores frame from webcam as Open

2018-06-20 14:22:43 -0500 commented answer [SOLVED] Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv?

THX it worked like charm :)))

2018-06-20 13:20:29 -0500 asked a question [SOLVED] Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv?

Cannot use OpenCV trackbar with vision_opencv? Hi, so I'm making a video publisher that stores frame from webcam as Open