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2018-07-09 14:00:15 -0500 marked best answer I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

Hello, I'm trying to control a robot that has ROS controllers with a Python program, but everytime I run the program, I get an error regarding the rosgraph library not being found. I've tried everything other people have said in other threads, but nothing has worked so far. This is the program I'm using to try and control the robot:

#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy, math
import numpy as np
import sys, termios, tty, select, os
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist

class KeyTeleop(object):
    cmd_bindings = {'q': np.array([1, 1]),
                    'w': np.array([1, 0]),
                    'e': np.array([1, -1]),
                    'a': np.array([0, 1]),
                    'd': np.array([0, -1]),
                    'z': np.array([-1, -1]),
                    'x': np.array([-1, 0]),
                    'c': np.array([-1, 1])
    set_bindings = {'t': np.array([1, 1]),
                    'b': np.array([-1, -1]),
                    'y': np.array([1, 0]),
                    'n': np.array([-1, 0]),
                    'u': np.array([0, 1]),
                    'm': np.array([0, -1])

    def init(self):
        # Save terminal settings
        self.settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
        # Initial values
        self.inc_ratio = 0.1
        self.speed = np.array([0.5, 1.0])
        self.command = np.array([0, 0])
        self.update_rate = 10  # Hz
        self.alive = True
        # Setup publisher
        self.pub_twist = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist)

    def fini(self):
        # Restore terminal settings
        termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.settings)

    def run(self):
            r = rospy.Rate(self.update_rate)  # Hz
            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                ch = self.get_key()
        except rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException:

    def print_usage(self):
        msg = """
    Keyboard Teleop that Publish to /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
    Copyright (C) 2013
    Released under BSD License
    H:       Print this menu
    Moving around:
      Q   W   E
      A   S   D
      Z   X   Z
    T/B :   increase/decrease max speeds 10%
    Y/N :   increase/decrease only linear speed 10%
    U/M :   increase/decrease only angular speed 10%
    anything else : stop

    G :   Quit

    # Used to print items to screen, while terminal is in funky mode
    def loginfo(self, str):
        termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.settings)

    # Used to print teleop status
    def show_status(self):
        msg = 'Status:\tlinear %.2f\tangular %.2f' % (self.speed[0], self.speed[1])

    # For everything that can't be a binding, use if/elif instead
    def process_key(self, ch):
        if ch == 'h':
        elif ch in self.cmd_bindings.keys():
            self.command = self.cmd_bindings[ch]
        elif ch in self.set_bindings.keys():
            self.speed = self.speed * (1 + self.set_bindings[ch] * self.inc_ratio)
        elif ch == 'g':
            # Stop the robot
            twist = Twist()
            self.command = np.array([0, 0])

    def update(self):
        if rospy.is_shutdown():
        twist = Twist()
        cmd = self.speed * self.command
        twist.linear.x = cmd[0]
        twist.angular.z = cmd[1]

    # Get input from the terminal
    def get_key(self):
        tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
        key ...
2017-05-22 18:56:51 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-05-22 18:56:14 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

rosversion roscpp shows 1.11.21 I have made a catkin workspace in the folder of the model and I'm trying to run the pyth

2017-05-22 18:39:11 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

And printenv | grep ROS shows the following: ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/indigo ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/share ROS_MAST

2017-05-22 18:39:02 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

And printenv | grep ROS shows the following: ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/indigo ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/share ROS_MASTE

2017-05-22 18:37:58 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

Also, @gvdhoorn , I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. As for the version of ROS, I get <unversioned> when I run rosversi

2017-05-22 18:34:00 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

And printenv | grep ROS shows the following: ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/indigo ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/share ROS_MASTER

2017-05-22 18:32:23 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

I'm so sorry guys for answering so late. This is the exact error when we execute rospack find rosgraph: rospack: error

2017-05-18 23:43:28 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-05-18 21:08:14 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

It results in an error with a file called librospack. It says it can't open the libraries because the file or directory

2017-05-18 20:50:43 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-05-18 20:09:43 -0500 commented question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

Hello @ahendrix We've edited the post with the information you asked. Thank you so much.

2017-05-18 20:08:56 -0500 edited question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

I'm getting the rosgraph not found error Hello, I'm trying to control a robot that has ROS controllers with a Python pro

2017-05-17 19:49:12 -0500 asked a question I'm getting the rosgraph not found error

I'm getting the rosgraph not found error Hello, I'm trying to control a robot that has ROS controllers with a Python pro