Karma: 11
Hello! I am working on autonomous flight of quadcopter for indoor environments. Currently I have an RPLidar and successfully implemented 2D SLAM using "hector_slam" ros package. What should I do next to achieve autonomy? |
1 answers |
0 votes |
Asked on 2017-02-09 11:43:54 UTC
Hello! I have got a strange problem here and I am not able to understand what is going on. Please help! |
0 answers |
0 votes |
Asked on 2017-02-20 08:58:57 UTC
Is it possible to attain autonomous flight of quad-copter using hector_slam meta package and a commercial flight controller? |
0 answers |
0 votes |
Asked on 2017-02-24 07:07:27 UTC
How can I configure the frequency and start/stop of RPLidar motor in its ROS package? |
0 answers |
1 votes |
Asked on 2017-02-24 07:56:41 UTC
Hector Localization and Hector Mapping issue! Any |
1 answers |
0 votes |
Asked on 2017-03-31 15:14:37 UTC
How can I use hector_costmap to detect obstacles? |
0 answers |
0 votes |
Asked on 2017-04-07 11:02:23 UTC