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BrannonKing's profile - activity

2017-08-31 12:01:24 -0500 answered a question A few questions about SLAM Cartographer.

The tracking frame has to be the IMU location. If any examples do otherwise it's because their IMU is located at the bas

2017-06-21 12:59:27 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-06-20 17:41:37 -0500 commented question Getting a 2D matrix from nav_msg/OccupancyGrid

It sounds like you need some basic programming instruction:

2017-06-18 19:46:22 -0500 commented question Getting a 2D matrix from nav_msg/OccupancyGrid

You reviewed the message documentation here: ?

2017-03-06 15:32:48 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2016-10-20 11:11:10 -0500 commented question avcodec.h -- no such file (Fedora 24)

I think if you had both QT4 and QT5 installed, one would expect /usr/bin/qmake to correspond to version 4.

2016-10-14 05:47:55 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-10-14 05:47:55 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-10 10:50:12 -0500 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2016-06-30 14:28:48 -0500 answered a question kinetic source install on Fedora23

As a partial answer, you need to get PySide through the package manager:

sudo dnf install pyside-tools python-pyside python-pyside-devel python2-pyudev-pyside

See the full list of what I had to install here:

2016-06-30 11:56:02 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2016-06-30 11:55:31 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-06-30 11:37:30 -0500 answered a question geometric_shapes package error, assimp/aiScene.h not found

geometric_shapes detects ASSIMP incorrectly, but several other projects do it correctly. You can force the detection to work right by doing by including this on the catkin_make command: -DASSIMP_UNIFIED_HEADER_NAMES=ON . Mine looked like this: ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DASSIMP_UNIFIED_HEADER_NAMES=ON

2016-06-30 11:33:31 -0500 answered a question Source compile of Kinetic on Fedora24

When I set up Fedora 24 recently, I had the same problem. See the notes here:

I did openCV 3.1 straight from Github because the catkin auto-dep wouldn't compile. Install Eigen/dev and TBB/dev first. Use the git clone and then go to that folder and run this: cmake -D WITH_TBB=ON -D WITH_EIGEN=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF .. make && make install

That bit me later when I had to do this for RViz and gazebo: sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib64 /usr/local/lib

and excluded it from Catkin's pull like this: rosinstall_generator desktop --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar --exclude opencv3 > kinetic-desktop-wet.rosinstall

2016-06-30 11:29:12 -0500 commented answer source install + opencv source install

Yes, this is something to understand when compiling on Fedora. Unless you manually specify a lib prefix when calling configure/cmake, the result will go to /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64. You need to add both of those the lib search path using ldconfig, i.e. sudo ldconfig path1 path2

2016-06-30 11:24:53 -0500 answered a question avcodec.h -- no such file (Fedora 24)

As suggested in the comment, I proceeded to modify all the CMakeLists.txt in the gazebo_ros_pkgs. The modification was to add /usr/include/ffmpeg to the include_directories list. After that gazebo_ros_pkgs compiled fine. Alas, they don't run right on Fedora 24 even after that. They continue to look for Gazebo in the wrong location.

2016-06-27 16:00:07 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-06-24 12:31:53 -0500 asked a question avcodec.h -- no such file (Fedora 24)

I've spent the last few days getting my ROS stack to compile on Fedora 24. It has been quite a process. I'm almost there; I have 196 out of 197 projects compiling. I have one project that won't compile: gazebo_ros. It gives this error:

fatal error: libavcodec/avcodec.h: No such file or directory

However, the file clearly exists as a locate call shows it here:


I'm building the package like this:

catkin_make_isolated --force-cmake --pkg gazebo_ros -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

I attempted to add --make-args -I /usr/include/ffmpeg but the error persists. What can I do to resolve this error? Thanks for your time.

For those others attempting to run ROS on Fedora 24, here are my notes:

I had to use Fedora 24 because Ubuntu 15.10, 16.04, and 16.10 beta all failed to handle the graphics driver properly on a new MacPro with Radeon HD 7870 cards. I tried fglrx (latest) in 15.10 with no success either.

Fedora has basic catkin packages included: sudo dnf install rospack rospack-devel python3-rosdep python3-rosinstall python3-rospkg python3-rosdistro catkin catkin-devel

I had to install these additional packages (using sudo dnf install) before the catkin_make_isolated would succeed:

freetype-freeworld cabextract xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig curl curl-devel unzip git cmake pkg-config opencl-headers opencl-utils opencl-utils-devel libusb libusb-devel libjpeg-turbo libjpeg-turbo-devel doxygen opencl-utils clinfo mesa-libOpenCL-devel eigen3-devel gdal-devel gtest gtest-devel protobuf protobuf-c-devel protobuf-devel libdc1394 libdc1394-devel tesseract tinyxml tinyxml-devel ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libstdc++-static libpng-devel jasper-devel openexr-devel libtiff-devel libwebp-devel libv4l-devel tbb-devel python-sphinx lapack lapack-devel libgphoto2-devel python-nose python-devel libudev libudev-dev orocos-kdl orocos-kdl-devel python-rosdep python-rosinstall_generator python-wstool python-rosinstall python-empy console-bridge console-bridge-devel extra-cmake-modules cmake-gui poco poco-devel boost boost-random boost-static boost-system boost-thread boost-timer sip sip-devel python3-sip python3-sip-devel pyside-tools python-pyside python-pyside-devel python2-pyudev-pyside python-qt5 python-qt5-devel redhat-rpm-config lz4 lz4-devel lzma lzma-devel urdfdom urdfdom-devel urdfdom-headers-devel qhull qhull-devel assimp assimp-devel collada-dom collada-dom-devel python2-numpy python2-numpy-f2py python3-numpy python3-numpy-f2py ogre ogre-devel libyaml libyaml-devel yaml-cpp yaml-cpp-devel yaml-cpp03 yaml-cpp03-devel python-netifaces python3-netifaces python2-defusedxml python3-defusedxml

I was also working on kinect2 at the same time so some of those projects may apply to that.

Had to make these links: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 /usr/bin/qmake sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

I did openCV 3.1 straight from Github because the catkin auto-dep wouldn't compile: Use the git clone and then go to that folder and run this: cmake -D WITH_TBB=ON -D WITH_EIGEN=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF .. make && make install

That bit me later when I had to do this for RViz and gazebo: sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib64 /usr/local/lib

and excluded it from Catkin's pull like this: rosinstall_generator desktop --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar --exclude opencv3 > kinetic-desktop-wet.rosinstall

one of the projects fails to detected ASSIMP_UNIFIED, so I had to compile Catkin like this: ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DASSIMP_UNIFIED_HEADER_NAMES=ON

RViz failed with this error: /home/sbir/Workspace/Catkin/src/rviz/src/rviz/default_plugin/effort_display.h:45:36: error: unable to find ...
