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2023-08-04 14:26:30 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2019-03-29 05:46:02 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2017-08-11 13:09:58 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-01-26 04:13:29 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-11-23 16:47:41 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-10-28 14:25:31 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-09-05 07:38:13 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-08-30 11:49:56 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-29 20:35:12 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-22 13:15:32 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-22 08:16:41 -0500 commented question Gazebo ROS Collision Detection

I have tried it in several places. Including the one you suggested in the gazebo wiki site. The other ones I have tried are from here and here.

2016-07-22 08:16:41 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2016-07-21 12:34:15 -0500 asked a question Gazebo ROS Collision Detection

Hello all,

I am trying to get a topic with the collision by using the gazebo-ros-bumper plugin, but all of the resources I have found online have not worked for me.

Here is my xacro code for the robot arm.

<!-- ***************Robot Arms*************** -->
<xacro:include filename="$(find robsim_description)/urdf/kuka.xacro" />

<!-- ***************Robot Hands*************** -->
<xacro:include filename="$(find robsim_description)/urdf/sdhhand.xacro" />

<!-- ***************Joint*************** -->
<xacro:rev_joint_block parent="arm_extension" child="sdh_gehaeuse" xyz="0 0 0.0411" rpy="0 0 0" lower="0" upper="0"/>

<!-- ***************Gazebo Plugin************************ -->
    <plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="">

Here is the code for my kuka arm:

<xacro:macro name="link_block" params="link xyz rpy filename material">
    <link name="${link}">
            <origin xyz="${xyz}" rpy="${rpy}"/>
                <mesh filename="package://robsim_description/models/${filename}"/>

            <origin xyz="${xyz}" rpy="${rpy}"/>
                <mesh filename="package://robsim_description/models/${filename}"/>

            <mass value="1"/>
            <inertia ixx="0.1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="0.1" iyz="0" izz="0.1"/>

    <gazebo reference="${link}">

<xacro:macro name="rev_joint_block" params="parent child xyz rpy lower upper">
    <joint name="${parent}_${child}_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="${parent}"/>
        <child link="${child}"/>
        <origin xyz="${xyz}" rpy="${rpy}"/>
        <axis xyz="0 0 1" rpy="0 0 0"/>
        <limit lower="${lower}" upper="${upper}" effort="300.0" velocity="1000.0"/>
        <joint_properties damping="0.0" friction="0.0"/>

<xacro:macro name="transmission_block" params="parent child">
  <transmission name="${parent}_${child}_trans">
        <joint name="${parent}_${child}_joint">
        <actuator name="${parent}_${child}_motor">

<!-- ***************Kuka Base Plate*************** -->
<xacro:link_block link="base_link" xyz="0 0 0.016" rpy="0 0 0" filename="kuka_base_plate.dae" material="Grey"/>

<!-- ***************Kuka A1 Joint***************** -->
<xacro:link_block link="a1" xyz="0 0 0.016" rpy="0 0 0" filename="a1.dae" material="Orange"/>
<joint name="base_a1" type="fixed">
    <parent link="base_link"/>
    <child link="a1"/>

<!-- ***************Kuka A2 Joint**************** -->
<xacro:link_block link="a2" xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" filename="a2.dae" material="Orange"/>
<xacro:rev_joint_block parent="a1" child="a2" xyz="0 0 0.3265" rpy="0 0 0" lower="-2.96706" upper="2.96706"/>
<xacro:transmission_block parent="a1" child="a2"/>

<!-- ***************Kuka E1 Joint**************** -->
<xacro:link_block link="e1" xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" filename="e1.dae" material="Orange"/>
<xacro:rev_joint_block parent="a2" child="e1" xyz="0 0 0" rpy="1.5707 3.14159 0" lower="0" upper="3.14159"/>
<xacro:transmission_block parent="a2" child="e1"/>

<!-- ***************Kuka A3 Joint**************** -->
<xacro:link_block link="a3" xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" filename="a3.dae" material="Orange"/>
<xacro:rev_joint_block parent="e1" child="a3" xyz="-0.4 0 0" rpy="-1.5707 0 1.5707" lower="-2.0944" upper="2.0944"/>
<xacro:transmission_block parent="e1" child="a3"/>

<!-- ***************Kuka A4 Joint**************** -->
<xacro:link_block link="a4" xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" filename="a4.dae" material="Orange"/>
<xacro:rev_joint_block parent ...
2016-07-14 09:30:36 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-07-14 08:53:51 -0500 commented question Install library in ros

When I do that I get an error that says this:

CMake Error at robsim/robsim_gazebo/CMakeLists.txt:214 (target_link_libraries):
        Cannot specify link libraries for target "publisher_node" which is not
        built by this project.
2016-07-13 07:50:26 -0500 commented answer Install library in ros

What I mean by install is that I want to use the .c and .h files from ulapi (which is what we use to talk to the robot arms we have in the lab) in my c++ code I have written. I am familiar with the way you install libraries for arduino if that is of any help.

2016-07-13 07:48:53 -0500 commented question Install library in ros

The files I have are C and H. I am use to installing libraries for Arduino and was wondering how to do it for ROS.

2016-07-12 07:36:52 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-12 04:37:18 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-11 14:53:13 -0500 commented answer Gazebo & ROS Subscriber and Publisher C++

I managed to get it working without using a plugin. Thanks for your time and help!

2016-07-11 14:51:52 -0500 asked a question Install library in ros

I am wondering how I would incorporate a library in ROS. The library I am trying to install is called ulapi to communicate with the kuka robot we have in the lab.


Update (7.13.16): Here is part of my code that I am trying to add the ulapi library. Might be useful.

#include <ros/ros.h>

//library for type of message sent to gazebo topics
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>

//libraries to control model in gazebo
#include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
#include <gazebo_msgs/ModelState.h>
#include <gazebo_msgs/SetModelState.h>

#include <cstdlib>
#include <robsim_gazebo/ulapi.h>

int main (int argc, char** argv)
    //initialize node
    ros::init(argc, argv, "publisher_node");

    //create node handle
    ros::NodeHandle rob_pose;

    ros::NodeHandle a1a2;
    ros::NodeHandle a2e1;
    ros::NodeHandle e1a3;
    ros::NodeHandle a3a4;
    ros::NodeHandle a4a5;
    ros::NodeHandle a5a6;
    ros::NodeHandle a6tp;

Here is the part of my CMakeLists.txt file

add_library(unix_ulapi src/unix_ulapi.c)
#target_link_libraries(publisher_node unix_ulapi)

add_library(ulapi_getopt src/ulapi_getopt.c)
#target_link_libraries(publisher_node ulapi_getopt)
2016-07-07 07:34:09 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-06 16:23:04 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-06 14:40:35 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-07-06 14:12:25 -0500 commented answer Writing publisher c++ code

Thanks fixed my issue.

2016-07-06 12:35:47 -0500 asked a question Writing publisher c++ code

Im trying to write c++ code to publish joint angles to have Gazebo update the model.

I am getting this error message:

Client [/gazebo] wants topic /kuka/a1_a2_joint_position_controller/command to have datatype/md5sum [std_msgs/Float64/...], but our version has [trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint/...]. Dropping Connection

My knowledge of C++ is limited and the version of ROS im using is Indigo and Gazebo is 2.2.3

Here is the code I have written for the publisher:

    ros::init(argc, argv, "publisher_node");
    ros::NodeHandle p;

    ros::Publisher a1_a2_pub = p.advertise<trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint>("/kuka/a1_a2_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);

    ros::Rate rate(10);

    while (ros::ok())
    trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint msg; //= new trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint();

    msg.positions[0] = 1.0;


    //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Sending position command" << msg.positions[0]);

    return 0;

UPDATE: Here is the working final code:

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/Float64.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory.h"

#include <cstdlib>

int main (int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "publisher_node");
ros::NodeHandle a1a2;
ros::NodeHandle a2e1;
ros::NodeHandle e1a3;
ros::NodeHandle a3a4;
ros::NodeHandle a4a5;
ros::NodeHandle a5a6;
ros::NodeHandle a6tp;

ros::Publisher a1_a2_pub = a1a2.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/a1_a2_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);
ros::Publisher a2_e1_pub = a2e1.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/a2_e1_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);
ros::Publisher e1_a3_pub = e1a3.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/e1_a3_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);
ros::Publisher a3_a4_pub = a3a4.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/a3_a4_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);
ros::Publisher a4_a5_pub = a4a5.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/a4_a5_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);
ros::Publisher a5_a6_pub = a5a6.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/a5_a6_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);
ros::Publisher a6_tp_pub = a6tp.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("/kuka/a6_tp_joint_position_controller/command", 1000);


ros::Rate rate(10);

while (ros::ok())
std_msgs::Float64 a1a2msg;
std_msgs::Float64 a2e1msg;
std_msgs::Float64 e1a3msg;
std_msgs::Float64 a3a4msg;
std_msgs::Float64 a4a5msg;
std_msgs::Float64 a5a6msg;
std_msgs::Float64 a6tpmsg;
//ROS_INFO_STREAM("OBJECT"); = rand() % 2 + -2; = rand() % 3 + 0; = rand() % 2 + -2; = rand() % 2 + -2; = rand() % 2+ -2; = rand() % 2 + -2; = rand() % 2 + -2;

ROS_INFO_STREAM("A1 / A2: " <<;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("A2 / E1: " <<;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("E1 / A3: " <<;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("A3 / A4: " <<;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("A4 / A5: " <<;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("A5 / A6: " <<;


return 0;
2016-07-06 12:26:54 -0500 commented answer Gazebo & ROS Subscriber and Publisher C++

Update: I was able to get the subscriber working and now I am having issues with the publisher.

2016-07-06 08:37:36 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-07-05 12:36:03 -0500 commented question Joint Control in Baxter using ROS in C++

Hi, I am wondering if you could send me your code for the subscriber. I am also a beginner and trying to get a subscriber and publisher thing going as well.


2016-07-05 09:56:37 -0500 commented answer Gazebo & ROS Subscriber and Publisher C++

I apologize if what I wrote is confusing. I am not a computer science major. Is there anything I can provide that would be helpful in clearing whether I would need a gazebo plugin or not. I would like to stay away from plugins if possible since my programming knowledge is limited.

2016-07-02 09:49:14 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-06-30 08:51:43 -0500 asked a question Gazebo & ROS Subscriber and Publisher C++

Hello all, I am new to ROS and I am trying to write a subscriber and publisher c++ code to talk with Gazebo. I want to get the states of each link and be able to publish to each link to control its joint angles.

I was successfully able to control my model in Gazebo via a rostopic pub command and am struggling to write a c++ code to do the same. Similarly, I have not been able to write any code to get the link states. I was able to get code working to subscribe to the /joint_states, but this does not reflect the link states in Gazebo.

Any help would be appreciated!

Ubuntu: 14.04 LTS ROS: Indigo Gazebo: 2.2.3

2016-06-30 08:46:32 -0500 marked best answer Does Rviz have collision detection like gazebo?

I am wondering if rviz has a collision detection system similar to gazebo implemented. I see that there is an option to enable collision, but I have not found and information online about what it does exactly.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ROS: Indigo