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wintermute's karma change log

2 0 octomap_ros on ros 2 humble ( 2023-03-06 06:26:18 -0500 )

0 -10 Can anyone please help me, struggling to convert between quaternions and euler angles. ( 2022-08-19 08:01:49 -0500 )

10 0 Can anyone please help me, struggling to convert between quaternions and euler angles. ( 2022-08-19 08:01:45 -0500 )

10 0 NWU to ENU conversion for a homemade IMU ( 2022-07-21 05:07:12 -0500 )

10 0 LIDAR and Glass Walls ( 2021-09-30 01:55:04 -0500 )

10 0 Missing packages after installing rosdep based on python3-rosdep2 in Noetic ( 2021-08-10 08:43:11 -0500 )

10 0 imu complementary and madgwick filter outputs skewed north ( 2021-08-04 11:56:03 -0500 )

10 0 Missing packages after installing rosdep based on python3-rosdep2 in Noetic ( 2021-06-04 18:20:13 -0500 )

10 0 What is the difference between NAV2D package and ros navigaton stack ( 2020-11-11 09:28:08 -0500 )

10 0 rviz on ros windows 10 ( 2020-07-22 10:56:35 -0500 )

0 -10 LIDAR and Glass Walls ( 2020-02-29 06:07:56 -0500 )

10 0 LIDAR and Glass Walls ( 2020-02-29 06:07:30 -0500 )

10 0 What is the difference between NAV2D package and ros navigaton stack ( 2020-01-06 16:07:56 -0500 )

10 0 Can anyone please help me, struggling to convert between quaternions and euler angles. ( 2019-12-13 12:50:42 -0500 )

15 0 Can anyone please help me, struggling to convert between quaternions and euler angles. ( 2019-12-13 12:50:37 -0500 )

0 -10 Can anyone please help me, struggling to convert between quaternions and euler angles. ( 2019-12-13 12:50:35 -0500 )

10 0 Can anyone please help me, struggling to convert between quaternions and euler angles. ( 2019-12-12 06:45:54 -0500 )

2 0 /cmd_vel republished as TwistWithCovarianceStamped ( 2019-12-11 03:31:56 -0500 )

10 0 docker ros development with the RPI ( 2019-11-26 19:49:05 -0500 )

2 0 Programming style question: getting data from odometry or tf? ( 2019-11-18 07:24:11 -0500 )

0 -2 Programming style question: getting data from odometry or tf? ( 2019-11-18 07:24:04 -0500 )

2 0 Programming style question: getting data from odometry or tf? ( 2019-11-18 07:24:02 -0500 )

10 0 Can I use arduino to subscribe /cmd_vel? ( 2019-11-07 23:31:50 -0500 )

2 0 can we make the imu_tools complementary filter output at a slower rate than the filter input ( 2019-10-22 15:10:40 -0500 )

2 0 can the ros navigation stack be used without laser scanner ( 2019-10-22 05:50:18 -0500 )

2 0 intermittent error from imu sensor ( 2019-10-19 06:47:02 -0500 )

2 0 ros msg definitions, difference between std_msgs/TYPE and type ( 2019-07-24 14:08:26 -0500 )

10 0 usb_cam camera frame rate, and rostopic ( 2019-07-02 10:19:01 -0500 )

10 0 usb_cam camera frame rate, and rostopic ( 2017-09-27 06:19:39 -0500 )

10 0 ethzasl_ptam camera calibration from set of images ( 2017-06-27 22:12:35 -0500 )

10 0 limitations of neato xv11 lidar vs rplidar and recommendations for buying a low cost lidar ( 2016-02-29 14:05:43 -0500 )