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2021-08-14 13:50:35 -0500 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2021-08-14 13:50:35 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2018-01-20 13:28:12 -0500 received badge  Taxonomist
2015-02-19 07:17:31 -0500 commented question ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

Sure, I can do that. I will provide a detailed answer soon. Thanks again!

2015-02-13 09:05:32 -0500 commented question ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

The problem is now solved. I am using now a usb camera that works OK with the usb_cam driver. Unfortunately I couldn't find the reason for the older camera don't work. I also changed ar_multi.h to publish in /usb_cam/camera_info and /usb_cam/image_raw and rebuilt the project. Thanks.

2015-02-10 08:14:10 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-02-05 02:59:36 -0500 commented answer ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

Hi, thanks for your reply. I edited the post with new information (EDIT (6)). It seems to me that the problems is related to the format of image I am sending to arDetectMarker in ar_multi.cpp.

2015-02-03 13:23:00 -0500 commented answer ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

BTW, only the new directory is sourced, so when I type "roscd ar_pose", for example, it goes to the correct package. But something is trying to access the wrong one. Maybe this conflict is causing the wrong ar_pose being called?

2015-02-03 13:20:30 -0500 commented answer ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

I realize that in the error caused after remapping the launch file is trying to access the ar_pose from a catkin directory that I am not using anymore: "catkin_ar_pose_ccny". My catkin workspace is now "catkin_ar_pose_lucid". Is there a way to exclude this dir from env paths?

2015-01-30 08:10:47 -0500 commented question ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

Sorry for my delay, I was testing many things with my colleague to put the system to work. But it is still not working. I edited the post (5) with the questions you did...thanks

2015-01-30 03:33:10 -0500 commented answer ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

Update: everything in Rviz looks OK. The image is rectified against distortion, and there is no error. But no markers are tracked and ar_pose_multi seems to be not subscribed to the correct topics. The only difference between my launch file and the Lucid Repo: I deleted the entry for uvc_camera.

2015-01-29 11:38:16 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2015-01-29 11:05:03 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-01-29 08:51:12 -0500 commented answer ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

I downloaded the code from this repository: (I deleted the usb entry from launch file) I will download the code from the repository you sent and test. The image is republished now in the post.

2015-01-29 08:02:07 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-01-29 07:40:49 -0500 commented answer ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file

Hi, thanks for your reply. According to to documentation here: , in ar_pose_multi section, the image should be published in /camera/image raw. And I can get this image correctly. I will edit my post to include the files you asked me.

2015-01-27 11:00:53 -0500 asked a question ar_pose+ceiling camera+calibration file


I have a ceiling camera that publishes images in the topic "/camera/image_raw" (working and publishing perfectly through the network). I have also calibrated this camera using openCV calibration procedures and saved this calibration in a .yaml file. I am trying to use ar_pose_multi to get the data published in /ar_pose_marker. When I run:

roslaunch ar_pose ar_pose_multi.launch

it opens rviz simulator and there is the following error:

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [usb_cam/usb_cam_node]: usb_cam

I ignored this error because I dont have usb_cam...I get my images from the ceiling camera (but I dont know if I can ignore this). Finally, I printed a pattern present in /ccny_vision/ar_pose/data/4x4/ and put bellow the camera and I have tried different heights and distances from the camera.

My questions are:

1) I dont want to use the calibration procedure from ROS... Is it possible to use the .yaml calibration file that I already have to feed the topic /camera/camera_info, required by ar_pose_multi?

2) I used rostopic echo with /camera/image_raw and /camera/camera_info and there are data (although calibration has the majority of data without any values), but when I used rostopic echo with /ar_pose_marker there is no output. Do you have any idea about how ar_pose publishes in /ar_pose_marker?

3) Rviz opens normally, but it seems to be completely detached from the camera, so nothing appears on the screen.

I dont know if I have no output because my marker is too small, or my calibration file is wrong, or the usb_cam error is relevant.. I am a little lost :(

================ BEGIN EDIT: Adding more information that can be helpful:

1) I calibrated again the camera using the calibration procedure from ROS and now the calibration is successfully published in "camera/camera_info" topic.

2) the topic "/camera/image_raw" is also OK and I can see the image if I add the component "Image" to Rviz. However with the component "Camera" I have a warning "No Image received"

3) No error is triggered when I run the ar_pose_multi.launch node. But even so, when I put a marker below the camera, nothing happens, no marker seems to be tracked. Also, the topic "/ar_pose_makers" does not presents any value to me.

================ END EDIT

================ BEGIN EDIT: (2)

maybe it is helpful: I am using ROS indigo and Ubuntu 14.04

my ar_pose_multi-launch is:

    <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz"/>
        args="-d $(find ar_pose)/launch/live_single.vcg"/>
    <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="world_to_cam" 
        args="0 0 0.5 -1.57 0 -1.57 world usb_cam 1" />
    <node name="ar_pose" pkg="ar_pose" type="ar_multi" respawn="false" output="screen">
        <param name="marker_pattern_list" type="string" value="$(find ar_pose)/data/object_4x4"/>
        <param name="threshold" type="int" value="100"/>

The output of rostopic for /camera/camera_info is:

  seq: 131827
    secs: 1422538316
    nsecs: 930701784
  frame_id: /camera
height: 1920
width: 2560
distortion_model: plumb_bob
D: [-0.477363, 0.142675, 0.003122, -0.00082, 0.0]
K: [1294.855301, 0.0 ...
2014-10-14 17:17:00 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-07-04 05:33:48 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-06-11 09:57:05 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-04-20 06:56:59 -0500 marked best answer How to enable stiffness using C++


I want to enable/disable the stiffness using C++ API. But I don't know how to instantiate a service variable. I am not sure about what should I put between "<>". The code is attached bellow. Anyone can help me?

  ros::init(argc, argv, "controller");
  ros::NodeHandle n;
  ros::Publisher controller_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/cmd_vel", 1000);
  ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
  int count = 0;

  ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<??>("/body_stiffness/enable");
  while (ros::ok())
      geometry_msgs::Twist control;
      control.linear.x = 1;
      control.linear.y = 0;
      control.angular.z = 0;

2014-04-20 06:56:58 -0500 marked best answer Navigation using footstep planner and real NAO


I am using footstep planner through the command line NAO_IP=<ip-address> roslaunch footstep_planner footstep_planner_complete.launch. I am able to create a footstep plan according to the instructions in the ROS tutorial 

Also, when I load a robot model, every change in the pose of arms, legs, head, etc, is reflected in the simulated robot.

My question: to control the robot to automatically follow the path just created, should I implement (using the ROS API) a code to interface with RViz to control the robot? Or is there any easier way to accomplish this navigation task?


2014-04-20 06:56:57 -0500 marked best answer cannot compile footstep_planner


I am a new user of ROS and I have tried to run the footstep_planner node and receive this message bellow:

    ERROR: cannot launch node of type [footstep_planner/footstep_planner_node]: can't locate node [footstep_planner_node] in package [footstep_planner]

This message occurred because the compilation was not successfully accomplished (can be seen in the end of the post).

To solve my problem, I have downloaded each octomap package from github and put the directories inside the stack but did not work. I have tried to rosmake each octomap package, as well as the footstep_planner before, and then rosmake humanoid_navigation, but still did not work. I don't know why, using ' sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-octomap*' returns no package for me. Maybe solving this apt-get issue the problem can be solved? Any ideas?

rosmake humanoid_navigation

[ rosmake ] rosmake starting...
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['humanoid_navigation']
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory /informatik2/wtm/home/borghetti/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20140226-164152
[ rosmake ] Expanded args ['humanoid_navigation'] to: ['footstep_planner', 'gridmap_2d', 'humanoid_localization', 'humanoid_planner_2d', 'octomap', 'octovis', 'octomap_msgs', 'octomap_ros']
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> catkin [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< catkin ROS_NOBUILD in package catkin No Makefile in package catkin
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> octomap [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< octomap ROS_NOBUILD in package octomap No Makefile in package octomap
[rosmake-3] Starting >>> genmsg [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> octovis [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< octovis ROS_NOBUILD in package octovis No Makefile in package octovis
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> cpp_common [ make ]
[rosmake-3] Finished <<< genmsg ROS_NOBUILD in package genmsg No Makefile in package genmsg
[rosmake-3] Starting >>> genlisp [ make ]
[rosmake-2] Starting >>> genpy [ make ]
[rosmake-1] Starting >>> gencpp [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< cpp_common ROS_NOBUILD in package cpp_common No Makefile in package cpp_common
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> rostime [ make ]
[rosmake-2] Finished <<< genpy ROS_NOBUILD in package genpy No Makefile in package genpy
[rosmake-2] Starting >>> rospack [ make ]
[rosmake-1] Finished <<< gencpp ROS_NOBUILD in package gencpp No Makefile in package gencpp
[rosmake-3] Finished <<< genlisp ROS_NOBUILD in package genlisp No Makefile in package genlisp
[rosmake-3] Starting >>> roslang [ make ]
[rosmake-1] Starting >>> message_generation [ make ]
[rosmake-2] Finished <<< rospack ROS_NOBUILD in package rospack No Makefile in package rospack
[rosmake-2] Starting >>> roslib [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< rostime ROS_NOBUILD in package rostime No Makefile in package rostime
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> roscpp_traits [ make ]
[rosmake-1] Finished <<< message_generation ROS_NOBUILD in package message_generation No Makefile in package message_generation
[rosmake-3] Finished <<< roslang ROS_NOBUILD in package roslang 0.0 sec ] [ roslib: 0.0 sec ] [ roscpp_traits: 0.0 sec ] [ 4 Active 10/65 Complete ] No Makefile in package roslang
[rosmake-2] Finished <<< roslib ROS_NOBUILD in package roslib No Makefile in package roslib
[rosmake-1] Starting >>> xmlrpcpp [ make ]
[rosmake-2] Starting >>> rosunit [ make ]
[rosmake-3] Starting >>> rosgraph [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< roscpp_traits ROS_NOBUILD in package roscpp_traits No Makefile in package roscpp_traits
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> roscpp_serialization [ make ]
[rosmake-3] Finished <<< rosgraph ROS_NOBUILD in package rosgraph No Makefile in package rosgraph
[rosmake-3] Starting >>> rosparam [ make ]
[rosmake-1] Finished <<< xmlrpcpp ROS_NOBUILD in package xmlrpcpp No Makefile in package xmlrpcpp
[rosmake-1] Starting >>> rosmaster [ make ]
[rosmake-2] Finished <<< rosunit ROS_NOBUILD in package rosunit No Makefile in package rosunit
[rosmake-2] Starting >>> rosconsole [ make ]
[rosmake-1] Finished <<< rosmaster ROS_NOBUILD in package rosmaster No Makefile in package rosmaster
[rosmake-3] Finished <<< rosparam ROS_NOBUILD in package rosparam No Makefile in package rosparam
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< roscpp_serialization ROS_NOBUILD in package roscpp_serialization No ...


2014-04-15 10:19:04 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-04-02 15:42:13 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-03-19 06:54:10 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-03-13 10:19:45 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-03-07 03:40:48 -0500 answered a question Linking errors with pcl and ROS


 I have forgotten to include the following lines (as stated in tutorial) in CMakeLists.txt

find_package(PCL 1.2 REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries (APPLICATION ${PCL_LIBRARIES})

After this, the building problem was solved. Thanks!

2014-03-07 02:55:45 -0500 edited question Linking errors with pcl and ROS


 I am trying to build the example in this tutorial:
 In the end, I have got the error listed bellow. It seems that I have to configure some parameters in CMakeLists.txt, but I am not sure. 

Also, to compile I have put the following sentences in CMakeLists.txt (to find the pcl include directories):




Anyone can help me?

[ 0%] [ 0%] [ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_py Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_cpp Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_lisp [ 13%] Built target beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp [ 46%] Built target beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_lisp [ 53%] Built target beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_py [ 53%] Built target beginner_tutorials_gencpp [ 66%] [ 66%] Built target listener Built target controller [ 73%] Built target recog Linking CXX executable /informatik2/wtm/home/borghetti/Development/ROSTest/catkin_ws/devel/lib/beginner_tutorials/surface [ 80%] Built target add_two_ints_client [ 93%] [ 93%] Built target talker Built target add_two_ints_server [ 93%] Built target beginner_tutorials_generate_messages CMakeFiles/surface.dir/src/surface.cpp.o: In function cloud_cb(boost::shared_ptr<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2_<std::allocator<void> > const> const&)': surface.cpp:(.text+0x46): undefined reference topcl::PCLBase<sensor_msgs::pointcloud2_<std::allocator<void> > >::setInputCloud(boost::shared_ptr<sensor_msgs::pointcloud2_<std::allocator<void> > const> const&)' surface.cpp:(.text+0x86): undefined reference to pcl::Filter<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2_<std::allocator<void> > >::filter(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2_<std::allocator<void> >&)' CMakeFiles/surface.dir/src/surface.cpp.o: In functionpcl::VoxelGrid<sensor_msgs::pointcloud2_<std::allocator<void> > >::VoxelGrid()': surface.cpp:(.text._ZN3pcl9VoxelGridIN11sensor_msgs12PointCloud2_ISaIvEEEEC2Ev[_ZN3pcl9VoxelGridIN11sensor_msgs12PointCloud2_ISaIvEEEEC5Ev]+0x25): undefined reference to vtable for pcl::VoxelGrid<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2_<std::allocator<void> > >' CMakeFiles/surface.dir/src/surface.cpp.o: In functionpcl::VoxelGrid<sensor_msgs::pointcloud2_<std::allocator<void> > >::~VoxelGrid()': surface.cpp:(.text._ZN3pcl9VoxelGridIN11sensor_msgs12PointCloud2_ISaIvEEEED2Ev[_ZN3pcl9VoxelGridIN11sensor_msgs12PointCloud2_ISaIvEEEED5Ev]+0x14): undefined reference to `vtable for pcl::VoxelGrid<sensor_msgs::pointcloud2_<std::allocator<void> > >' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: * Error 1 make[1]: [beginner_tutorials/CMakeFiles/surface.dir/all] Error 2 make: ** [all] Error 2 Invoking "make" failed

2014-03-07 02:55:45 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)