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2022-02-14 01:38:24 -0500 marked best answer which ports are needed for ROS?

Hello, I need to run ROS in a host wifi network and I do not have full control over it. I saw there is a firewall that prevents connections between clients to port 11311, that seems to me to be the port roscore listens to incoming connections. Are there other ports that need to be open? If I find a way to tunnel 11311 to port 80 (that is open) would I succeed?

2019-10-16 10:52:14 -0500 received badge  Good Question (source)
2019-04-03 16:25:39 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2018-06-11 08:43:05 -0500 received badge  Great Question (source)
2018-01-09 04:38:24 -0500 marked best answer [SOLVED] pcl_ros: how to find cloud frame

Dear all, I am using pcl_ros package, with pcl 1.6 and ROS groovy. I am subscribing to a PointCloud2 topic, using a callback like this:

void MainWindow::xtionCloudCallback(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::pointxyzrgb>::ConstPtr& cloud)

is it possible to get the cloud frame? if I transform the cloud using a TransformListener tf, e.g.:

pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/map", *cloud, *tcloud, tf);

this function is able to retrieve the cloud frame in some way, how do I get it?

2017-09-08 12:11:18 -0500 marked best answer nodelets running with remote roscore are dying (bond broken)

Hi all (or, at least, the usual one who answers to my questions ;-)), I have the following situation:

  • LAPTOP1: roscore, roslaunch with openni_node and some tf
  • LAPTOP2: roslaunch with some depth_image_proc nodelets, connected via ROS_MASTER_URI=http://LAPTOP1

the problem is that the nodelets on LAPTOP2 are alive only for a short while (some seconds), then, they start to die, one after the other:

[ INFO] [1396535717.713638183]: Bond broken, exiting
[camera/register_depth_rgb-3] process has finished cleanly

What's going on? How can I run this configuration properly? Thanks

2017-09-04 21:55:28 -0500 received badge  Good Question (source)
2017-05-22 05:54:20 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-04-26 21:00:54 -0500 received badge  Good Question (source)
2017-04-20 16:28:29 -0500 marked best answer use custom messages from another package

Dear all, I am a newbie of ROS, and I am searching for the answer to this simple question since this morning. I have a rosbuild package, that generates some custom messages (headers are generated accordingly) and another, catkin-based, package that should use them. How should I do? In particular, I need to know: 1) how to make the catkin build system aware of the location of the message headers 2) how to be sure that the catkin build system will link the messages to my node


2016-07-04 14:33:43 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2016-05-08 15:32:09 -0500 marked best answer pcl_ros::transformPointCloud says it does not have the transformation

Hi all, I am using the pcl_ros package in Groovy in order to transform a point cloud in the /map frame (/map -> /odom is given by a localizer node, while /odom -> /rgb_optical_frame is given by a set of transform publishers):

pcl_ros::transformPointCloud(fixedFrame, *cloud, *tcloud, tf_);

However, an exception is raised that says I do not have the transormation from /rgb_optical_frame to /map. If I open rqt and display the transformation tree, this is all connected as expected.

Could it be some issues about timings? How to check them, how to solve?

EDIT: here I add some additional information from the comments I have two machines, on the first machine (I call it sensor-laptop) the following topics are computed: - tf (/map -> /odom, /odom -> /X1_rgb_optical_frame) - point clouds from depth and rgb images

on the second machine (visualization-laptop) I compute the following topics: - point clouds (again) from depth and rgb images sent over the network from sensor-laptop and I am trying to visualize these point clouds using the transformation computed on the other laptop

the two laptops are time-synchronized using chrony, however, the transformPointCloud function says it does not have the transformation:

[ERROR] [1408639544.612446512]: Unable to lookup transform, cache is empty, when looking up transform from frame [/X1_rgb_optical_frame] to frame [/map]

EDIT2: the output of tf_echo and tf_monitor on the visualizer-laptop these outputs have been obtained on visualizer-laptop by setting ROS_MASTER_URI to the address of sensor-laptop

$ rosrun tf tf_echo /map /X1_rgb_optical_frame
Failure at 1408704324.631461344
Exception thrown:Could not find a connection between '/map' and '/X1_rgb_optical_frame' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.
The current list of frames is:
Frame /X1_depth_optical_frame exists with parent /X1_depth_frame.
Frame /X1_depth_frame exists with parent /X1_link.
Frame /X2_depth_frame exists with parent /X2_link.
Frame /X2_link exists with parent /base_link.
Frame /X2_depth_optical_frame exists with parent /X2_depth_frame.
Frame /X1_link exists with parent /base_link.
Frame /base_link exists with parent /base_projected.
Frame /X1_rgb_frame exists with parent /X1_link.
Frame /X2_rgb_frame exists with parent /X2_link.
Frame /X2_rgb_optical_frame exists with parent /X2_rgb_frame.
Frame /base_projected exists with parent NO_PARENT.
Frame /imu exists with parent /base_link.
Frame /X1_rgb_optical_frame exists with parent /X1_rgb_frame.
Frame /odom exists with parent /map.
Frame /map exists with parent NO_PARENT.

At time 1408704324.660
- Translation: [0.110, 0.045, 0.540]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.496, 0.504, 0.503, 0.497]
            in RPY [1.571, 0.002, 1.585]
At time 1408704324.660
- Translation: [0.110, 0.045, 0.540]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.496, 0.504, 0.503, 0.497]
            in RPY [1.571, 0.002, 1.585]
At time 1408704326.660
- Translation: [0.110, 0.045, 0.540]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.496, 0.504, 0.503, 0.497]
            in RPY [1.571, 0.002, 1.585]
At time 1408704326.660
- Translation: [0.110, 0.045, 0.540]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.496, 0.504, 0.503, 0.497]
            in RPY [1.571, 0.002, 1.585]
At time 1408704328.663
- Translation: [0.110, 0.045, 0.540]
- Rotation: in ...
2016-03-28 15:15:47 -0500 marked best answer Conversion from sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 to pcl::PointCloud<T>

Hi all, I am digging deep in this forum, but I'm getting lost. I am using ROS Groovy and receiving a sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 from a depth_image_proc nodelet and I want to process it using PCL 1.7. None of the solutions found in this forum are working for me, i.e., I miss some function prototype of toPCL, fromROSMsg, etc. functions.

I would like to do something like:

void CloudViewerPlugin::pointcloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& msg) {
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
    pcl::PCLPointCloud2 pcl_pc;
    pcl_conversions::toPCL(*msg, pcl_pc);
    pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(pcl_pc, cloud);


void CloudViewerPlugin::pointcloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& msg) {
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
    pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg, cloud);

but I found no function prototype to do this.