ROS natively on the iRobot Create Command Module
Does anyone know if it's possible to run ROS natively (i.e. cross compiled) on the Command Module for iRobot Create?
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Does anyone know if it's possible to run ROS natively (i.e. cross compiled) on the Command Module for iRobot Create?
There is not a native release of ROS for 8-bit platforms, so a native executable for the command module is not available.
It is highly unlikely that ROS will ever target a platform that constrained, since most of the focus is on higher-level research.
There are several libraries available for communicating with the iRobot from ROS though. You can check out everything available on the Robots for ROS - Roomba Page.
As @mjcarroll said ROS is not designed to run at the level of 8 bit microcontrollers, communications are abstracted at an IP level which most microcontrollers don't have available.
There are several driver stacks for the iRobot Create icreate, turtlebot, and irobot_create to name a few from a search of indexed ROS repositories.
Asked: 2011-03-27 20:26:28 -0500
Seen: 360 times
Last updated: Mar 28 '11
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