OpenNI2 low resolution [closed]

asked 2013-10-08 04:12:35 -0500

CarolineQ gravatar image

Hi !

I am using ros Groovy and openni2_camera.

I would like to use a Xtion Pro Live with a resolution set to QQVGA. But when I set the depth_mode or color_mode to QQVGA I have an error message :

Unsupported color video mode - Resolution: 160x120@30Hz Format: RGB888

Unsupported depth video mode - Resolution: 160x120@30Hz Format: Depth 1mm

Is the driver Openni2 not compatible with QQVGA mode ?

If someone has more information about OpenNI 2 and all the changes within ROS, it would be nice.

Thanks for help,


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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by Procópio
close date 2016-05-23 10:29:08.336755


Hi Caroline. Do you remember if you found a solution for this problem?

BenediktHeck gravatar image BenediktHeck  ( 2015-01-08 14:01:52 -0500 )edit