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sick ldmrs error output

PC: Intel Core 2 duo
SO: Ubuntu 12.04
ROS: fuerte
Laser: Sick ldmrs 4 laser in one
bzr: bzr branch lp:csiro-asl-ros-pkg/fuerte
pkg: csiro_ldmrs

I have some trouble reading LaserScan from ROS-fuerte and ROS-electric. The pkg is "sick_ldmrs" This is the output of: $ rostopic echo /sickldmrs/scan0

  seq: 56
    secs: 1380532090
    nsecs: 549168235
  frame_id: /ldmrs0
angle_min: 0.871573805809
angle_max: -0.873755455017
angle_increment: -0.00872664619237
time_increment: 2.7698912163e-05
scan_time: -3.47199988937e-06
range_min: 0.00999999977648
range_max: 10000.0
ranges: [0.0, 4.820000171661377, 0.0, 4.739999771118164, 0.0, 4.639999866485596, 0.0, 4.730000019073486, 0.0, 4.639999866485596, 0.0, 4.599999904632568, 0.0, 4.519999980926514, 0.0, 4.449999809265137, 0.0, 4.400000095367432, 0.0, 4.369999885559082, 0.0, 4.28000020980835, 0.0, 4.28000020980835, 0.0, 4.440000057220459, 0.0, 4.579999923706055, 0.0, 4.760000228881836...........

Every 2 lectures, one is 0.0

Is there something I didn't configure or maybe it is a mistake of the code?

Best regards.

Asked by pmarinplaza on 2013-10-02 06:02:29 UTC

