How can control a arm(hardware) using moveit
We are created a 7-DOF robotic arm using Dynamixel servos. And I am created its URDF model and moveit-config-pkg (using the tutorial ).And I am looking to control my arm(both fk and ik) using move it. I am struggling to create its ros-dynamixel hardware controller so that i can able to control my arm (hardware) using ros and moveit.
My Dbts
How can I create a ros-dynamixel hardware controller for my move-it arm package.
How can I move my arm to defined x,y,z (ik calculation) coordinates.
Thanks in Advance.
Asked by unais on 2013-09-18 23:08:48 UTC
Very interesting.
Asked by Abdul Mannan on 2016-10-26 02:19:47 UTC