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Rviz odometry display fixed frame


I'm trying to use rviz to display the odometry data I have recorded from a GPS. For this I run the gps_common node to get the odometry from the GPS data renaming the TF frame:

$ rosrun gps_common utm_odometry_node frame_id:=/world

This outputs a odometry message correctly (checked using rostopic echo /odom). Now I run rviz and set as global fixed frame /world and add an odometry display, then set it's property topic to /odom, after which I get the following status details:

Status: Error

Topic: OK Transform: Transform [sender=/utmodometrynode] For frame [fcu]: Fixed Frame [/world] does not exist

fcu is the node from which the GPS data comes and it is parameters has listed the default reference frame as:

~ssdk/tfrefframe_id (str, default: world)

tf reference frame. 

I hace tried to check the frames with:

$ rosrun tf tf_monitor
RESULTS: for all Frames


All Broadcasters:

Which must mean it doesn't detect any frames.

Which frame should I set as a fixed frame for the odometry to be shown? Should a new tf be broadcasted for this?


Asked by Pino on 2013-09-01 16:37:14 UTC


I don't know about this specific problem, but you can also show the output of rostopic hz /tf and rosrun tf view_frames.

Asked by DamienJadeDuff on 2013-09-26 19:18:54 UTC
