launch file to run node on remote robot
We added this line to our launch file in order to run a node on another machine:
The problem is we would get this error: is not in your SSH known_hosts file.
Please manually: ssh
then try roslaunching again.
If you wish to configure roslaunch to automatically recognize unknown hosts, please set the environment variable ROSLAUNCHSSHUNKNOWN=1
Our environment variable is set to:
!/usr/bin/env sh
generated from catkin/cmake/templates/
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/echo "Usage: COMMANDS" /bin/echo "Calling without arguments is not supported anymore. Instead spawn a subshell and source a setup file manually." exit 1 else . "/opt/ros/groovy/" exec "$@" fi
Asked by Solmaz on 2013-08-12 19:09:30 UTC