roscd and roslaunch problem
When I use roscd and roslaunch and press tab, I got the following error msgs:
rospack: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
rosstack: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
the same condition happen when I do roslaunch.
I've already source the setup.bash in my bashrc. But if I source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash again manually, everything works fine. I've never met with this problem in other computers. All I need to do is just source the setup.bash in bashrc and then roscd and roslaunch works fine in every new terminal.
My platform is Ubuntu 12.10 , ROS Groovy, and install using apt-get install ros-groovy-desktop-full
I don't understand : did you add this line in your bashrc before you got the error and your problem is that apparently the sourcing failed or did you add it to your bashrc after, when you noticed it solved your problem (and then your problem is solved) ?
I already add this line in my bashrc. And then I try to use roscd and roslaunch, I got the error. But if I source the setup.bash again, it works. In other computer I don't have to source it manually again in every new terminal. I just need to add this line and then roscd and roslaunch work fine.
You must have something else in you bashrc file which manipulates the environment or not source the file in the bashrc file correctly. Otherwise there is no rational why sourcing it twice would make a difference.