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brown_driver not running from workstation computer ?

I tested my host and master connection by running turtlesim node and I can run it both from host (workstation) and master (turtlebot notebook) indivisually and by running turtlesim node on master and controlling it using keyboard of host and vice-versa.

when I am running it for turtlebot folowing are the problem.

  1. brown driver is not running from host (workstation) as the workstation is looking for a connection with turtlebot on the workstation communication port.
  2. even if I run brown driver on master (turtlebot notebook) and trying to control it from host (workstation) by running command .....

    roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch

it is not working. Please tell the solution.

Asked by lifelonglearner on 2013-07-10 20:23:52 UTC


I performed is by installing VNC viewer

Asked by lifelonglearner on 2013-07-14 16:29:03 UTC
