Gazebo world not reset on fresh launch
Hi all,
First of all, I am not sure whether this question suits here or at Anyway, I have a problem launching my scenario into gazebo.
When I freshly launch a scenario, it keeps on giving me [ERROR] [1371026131.168854259, 1.959000000]: SpawnModel: Failure - model name aluprofil_f20_100_gray_1 already exist, also for other models that are supposed to be in the scenario.
It is as if there is a memory/buffer kept somewhere, that causes the scenario I am launching cannot spawn the models, since 'it-is-already-there' and the robot to be at the location where I last moved it.
So the question is, how to ensure that the scenario is always reset at the beginning of a launch? I tried resetting the world and poses, it didn't work. What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance.