Pioneer 3AT ROSARIA connection errors
Hello all,
I am currently trying to connect a laptop running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Groovy Galapagos to a Pioneer 3AT using a SeaLevel USB to serial adapter (with 4 ports). I have installed both ROS and RosAria according to the instructions described in the wiki and within Dawonn's Pioneer 3AT setup guide. Upon running either
roslaunch pioneer3at demo_navigation_gmapping.launch
rosrun ROSARIA RosAria
I receive the following error:
[ INFO] []: RosAria: using port: [/dev/ttyUSB0]
Could not connect to simulator, connecting to robot through serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Trying to close possible old connection
Syncing 0
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Could not connect, no robot responding.
Failed to connect to robot.
[ERROR] []: RosAria: ARIA could not connect to robot!
[FATAL] []: RosAria: ROS node setup failed...
I am a member of the dialout group and I have made the permissions of ttyUSB 777 to allow access to all serial ports. The indicators on the adapter and the RX and TX lights on the robot flash when the computer attempts to sync, but I am still not able to connect. This also happens when I attempt to run the Aria demo program. I have searched extensively over the past view days, but I have hit a brick wall and would really appreciate any advice or hints.
I was able to remedy the issue (more or less) on my own. It appears that I was using a RS432 serial port rather than a RS232 port. Upon connecting to the correct port and changing the robot port, I am occasionally able to get RosAria up and running. However, I am now recieving the following error:
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
in addition to the syncing errors.
Syncing 0
Syncing 1
Syncing 2
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Syncing 0
No packet.
Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Syncing 0
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
ArRobotPacketReceiver::receivePacket: bad packet, bad checksum
No packet.
Robot may be connected but not open, trying to dislodge.
Sometimes the connection is successful, but more often than not I am unable to connect.
Hello friend,
I'm trying to use a P3-DX, and I'm having the same problem. Cannot syn the robot. How can you see the port the robot is connected to? How do you change it? THX so much.