How to change Turtlebot drive_mode?
I am trying to change the turtlebot drive mode using the following command line:
rosparam set /turtlebotnode/drivemode 'turtle'
Then, when I use the following command line to check the drive mode, it shows that the drive mode is turtle.
rosparam get /turtlebotnode/drivemode
But when I am running my c++ node which publishes the turtlebot_node/Turtle type message it says that the client expects twist data type.
Can anyone explain why I am getting this error message?
Asked by Solmaz on 2013-05-28 08:44:21 UTC
Maybe we could help you more if you post your publisher code, at least the line which initialises the publisher
Asked by Lucile on 2013-05-30 22:38:58 UTC