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ROS Android apps keep crashing on Nexus 4

Hey guys,

I hadn't time to investigate this further, maybe someone already knows a quick answer.

On my Nexus 4 with standard Android 4.2.2 the ROS apps available on Google Play keep crashing after selecting a running master. The only app that I was able to use so far is CameraTutorial, which I compiled myself btw. Maybe this is the problem. Maybe I have to download the sources and compile by hand. But then I would recommend not making it available for this andoird version.

Anyone else experiencing these problems?

Cheers, Jasper

Asked by JBuesch on 2013-05-20 23:52:48 UTC


Both Chad's apps work on mine. Found all those others just yesterday and planned trying tomorrow.

Asked by felix k on 2013-05-21 03:35:03 UTC

Same for me, closing without crash dialog. And I don't see a hint in the android_teleop wiki page how to define robot_name.

Asked by felix k on 2013-05-22 03:20:17 UTC
