MoveIt tutorial: .yaml sensor file
Good afternoon,
I'm trying to run the QuickStart tutorial for MoveIt! and I'm not being able to see any of the measurements from the sensors in Gazebo in the RViz.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me how the .yaml file sensors_rgbd.yaml works to get the sensor data from Gazebo to MoveIt! I've already checked and the /head_mount_kinect/depth_registered/points topic is being published correctly from Gazebo, but there are no subscribers for it.
Thank you in advance,
--------- Edit ------------------
So, I think I figured out a part of this. What I think is that I'm getting caught in this part of the code:
if (!sensor_list[i].hasMember ("sensor_plugin")) { ROS_ERROR("No sensor plugin specified for octomap updater %d; ignoring.", i); continue; }
Because in sensors_rgbd.yaml there is no sensor_plugin field. So, does anyone have an idea of what value should I give to it?
Thanks again,
Tiago Pimentel