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MoveIt - OMPL - PRM | Move_Group crashes when obstacles are between start- and goal-state

Hello to all,

I'm using the RViz MoveIt! PLugin under ROS Groovy. At Default OMPL is loaded. But I recognised that I can't choose PRM. So I edited the ompl_planning.yaml - file by adding these lines:(like described in this threat)

type: kinematic::PRM


    - PRMkConfig

Now I can choose PRMkConfigDefault in the MotionPlanningplugin. But it is not stable. When no obstacle are between qstart and qgoal, PRM works fine. But if there are obstacles, move_group crashes:

[ INFO] [1367169363.364465185]: Starting with 2 states
[move_group-4] process has died [pid 27723, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/lib/moveit_ros_move_group/move_group_action_server __name:=move_group __log:=/home/faps/.ros/log/375eb0ee-b027-11e2-8901-00262d79481a/move_group-4.log].
log file: /home/faps/.ros/log/375eb0ee-b027-11e2-8901-00262d79481a/move_group-4*.log

(the log file doesn't exist!)

I guess the problem are some missing parameters / wrong configuration, but I'm no expert on this topic.

Can someone help me?

Many Thanks in advance and Greetz viovio

Asked by viovio on 2013-04-28 06:25:33 UTC

