pr2_mechanism tutorial plugin not found [closed]

asked 2013-04-13 02:56:19 -0500

davinci gravatar image

updated 2013-04-14 03:52:51 -0500

I am trying to do the PR2 mechanism tutorial, but it cannot load my plugin.

[ERROR] [1365857300.242183060, 754.002000000]: Could not load controller 'my_controller_name' because controller type 'my_controller_pkg/MyControllerPlugin' does not exist
[ERROR] [1365857300.286252868, 754.036000000]: Could not start controller with name my_controller_name because no controller with this name exists
[ERROR] [1365857307.997988041, 761.771000000]: Could not stop controller with name base_controller because no controller with this name exists
[ERROR] [1365857308.139995618, 761.775000000]: Could not unload controller with name l_arm_controller because no controller with this name exists
[ERROR] [1365857308.182188468, 761.777000000]: Could not unload controller with name r_arm_controller because no controller with this name exists

I saw the question also here, but it's not really clear what the correct solution is.

EDIT: With


Instead of


It does work. But still is still a depreciated method. How should this be used correctly?

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2015-10-26 13:06:01.252346