"unknown encoding yuv422" rosbag record -a [closed]
I am publishing an image in yuv422 format. When I make "rosbag record -a", I get "unknown encoding yuv422" on camera node. I can use other format, but for my work this is the best format.
how I correct this?
Regards, Filipe
can you try to subscribe to that image topic from an image_view for example?
No I can't, but from image_proc the image is corrected and publish right. From there I can read using image_view. But I still getting other error, It says that the image should be published as 16bit or 32bit. This is a strange thing. Why it is impossible to use the yuv format or in low resolution?
I've got a firewire camera, and I can subscribe to raw image data without problem. So if you can't subscribe to image date maybe it's your driver or maybe a message type that it is not correct. Could you give more information of your software and hardware in your original question post?
I'm not sure if this will help lead to a solution, but I noticed in the source code that the type yuv422 is defined, but there are some functions that do not have a case for it, and throw the error you mentioned. http://www.ros.org/doc/fuerte/api/sensor_msgs/html/image__encodings_8h_source.html