Oddity in rxplot
I try to "rxplot" but the rxplot does not show anything in window.. I have made "rostopic echo /kirim_ke_servo" to see the data
name: ['joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3']
position: [-0.6512382961093546, -0.19887827975841985, 1.568777172497011]
velocity: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
So, I try to "rxplot /kirim_ke_servo/position" in terminal
rizqa@ubuntu:~$ rxplot /kirim_ke_servo/position
[/kirim_ke_servo/position] value was not numeric: (-0.8225104223257155, -0.07641244134696615, 1.755642665868377)
In terminal appear the data.. but rxplot does not display anything How fix the problem ?