Pointclouds extraction using the Bumblebee2 stereo camera
Hi guys,
This is my first results using the bumblebee2 and the "stereo_image_proc" node to extract pointclouds. I calibrated the camera with the "camera_calibration" node using the -k 6 option and got an epi ratio of around 0.25. link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59gd4OU5u7A&feature=youtu.be (PointCloud)
What do you think about this results ? is it possible to have a better calibration and a better pointcloud ?
what are the best calibration conditions ?
Is there any way to process this pointcloud to get the same result than this one : link:http://www.ros.org/wiki/viso2_ros (viso2_ros)
Stephan, can you please tell me how did you process your pointcloud (The one in the video below) and what epi ratio you got after the calibration of your Bb2 ? Does your "viso2_ros" perform the Slam that we can see in this same video ? link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4Ze99YStmPo (viso2_Video)
Thank you guys for your responses