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How to open the teleop .etc demo project in IDEs(like:QTcreator)

HI all, I have installed QTcreator in my ROS(GROOVY disco), and I'm able to open projects like the talker and listener nodes created by myself following the tutorials(by open the Cmakelist), but I want to open the projects like turtlebot_teleop or follower, etc. Anybody knows how to open these demos' projects?

Asked by David_xiong on 2013-04-02 21:12:43 UTC



Have you searched the wiki? You should have found this page which even has a brief section on QtCreator.

I use Netbeans and got it working following that guide.

Asked by Claudio on 2013-04-03 01:20:52 UTC


@Claudio , Hi, dude, maybe you misunderstood my meaning. Followed this tutorial, I already get Qtcreator working on my ROS, however, what I wanna know is that can I use the Qtcreator to debug the demo like teleop instead of using commad line "roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard.launch" in terminal

Asked by David_xiong on 2013-04-08 22:39:28 UTC