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unable to install mit-ros-pkg on electric! 'motion_planning_common do not exist!

HI, I want to install the mit-ros-pkg on my ROS(following the tutorials:, however, in step 7, I always get the error like:

svn: URL '' doesn't exist Exception caught during install: Error processing 'motionplanningcommon' : [motionplanningcommon] Checkout of version...etc.

I find that at the website of, the motionplanningcommon do not exist, maybe it has been removed, but how can I solve this problem?THX!

Asked by DavidXiong on 2013-03-31 22:27:48 UTC



followed by this question, I got another question: I ignored the error above, and run the first demo:Hand Detection Demo, but I also got the error like: [rospack] couldn't find dependency [mapping_msgs] of [skeletal_tracker] [rospack] missing dependency however, the mapping_msgs package just can be installed on fuerte now(I'm not sure, but in this page, I can just choose the fuerte disco),I tried to use git clone, but it shows that I have to input the username and password, so I'm puzzled now. anybody can help me? THX!

Asked by DavidXiong on 2013-03-31 22:46:44 UTC
